SCRUM and the app development process: Part 4 of 4

by | Oct 28, 2021 | Business | 0 comments



Video Transcript

Welcome to part 4 of how we develop apps. We will introduce the different roles involved in the development process we use, which is called SCRUM.

There are three roles within our “SCRUM” environment: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the Development Team members.

The three roles describe the key responsibilities for those on the SCRUM team. This allows teams to take responsibility for how they organize themselves and allows collaboration for improvement.

The Product Owner does not own the client’s app, they are the champions of the project and ensure the client’s vision is made into a reality.

The Scrum Master is in charge of ensuring that the app development process is in alignment with SCRUM’s best practices.

The Development Teams are made up of designers and developers who work together daily to create magical digital solutions that look and work beautifully.

Together the SCRUM team will keep your project and moving in the right direction.