What is the importance of the Phonetic Alphabet?

by | Aug 8, 2022 | Business, Technology | 0 comments


Charlie, Delta, November, Echo, you have heard these terms before, but what does it all mean? These are not just the simple words that we learned when we were in school.  These words fall into a very special code language, the phonetic alphabet. It is also called the NATO phonetic alphabet (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) or the spelling alphabet.

Professional communicators primarily use the phonetic alphabet. Specifically the police, military, emergency services, armed forces and most importantly, people that work in tech companies and customer support. Its primary use is to precisely identify letters when communicating initials. Abbreviations or the spelling of words, leaving no room for misinterpretation or miscommunication when attempting to retrieve important data. Especially over the phone.

The phonetic alphabet is most useful for technical support over the phone. Commonly used when exchanging commands, usernames and passwords. For example, a customer support technician could ask a client to type the letter ‘C’ as in ‘Charlie’ and ‘D’ as in ‘Delta’ for the command line, which is used to access the cd command. Suppose the customer support technician did not use the phonetic alphabet. In that case, the client could have heard ‘cb’ as opposed to ‘cd’, which would lead to misunderstanding and confusion about what the technician was trying to say over the phone.

If We Take a Closer Look

When looking closely at the phonetic alphabet, each letter is a representation of a codeword that starts with every letter of the alphabet. For instance, ‘G’ is for ‘Golf’, and ‘T’ is for ‘Tango’. This allows the user of the phonetic alphabet to communicate effectively and efficiently in various situations. A bonus point of this alphabet is that it is simple and easy to remember.

Why should we use the phonetic alphabet, you ask? Miscommunication issues can happen due to many different reasons. These miscommunication issues can become quite frustrating and problematic when a technician and a client are trying to communicate an exact term, such as a name, a serial number or even a password. The phonetic alphabet can help to facilitate communication in various situations and reduce misunderstandings and miscommunication when assisting a client. When a technician can help spell out exact terms in an understandable and intelligible way to the client, this can be valuable for both the technician and the client, where they can effectively find a solution to the problem at hand.

How It Works

According to the NATO phonetic alphabet or the ‘spelling alphabet,’ it consists of 26 letters which means it will consist of 26 codewords. Each codeword represents a different letter of the English alphabet. These words are: 

    • Alpha, 
    • Bravo, 
    • Charlie, 
    • Delta, 
    • Echo, 
    • Foxtrot, 
    • Golf, 
    • Hotel, 
    • India,
    •  Juliet, 
    • Kilo, 
    • Lima, 
    • Mike, 
    • November, 
    • Oscar, 
    • Papa, 
    • Quebec, 
    • Romeo, 
    • Sierra, 
    • Tango,
    • Uniform, 
    • Victor, 
    • Whiskey, 
    • X-Ray, 
    • Yankee, 
    • Zulu.

For example, by using the NATO phonetic alphabet, we would spell the word ‘computer’ as: “Charlie, Oscar, Mike, Papa, Uniform, Tango, Echo, Romeo”.

Or we could spell ‘App Inlet’ as: Alpha, Papa, Papa, India, November, Lima, Echo, Tango”.

Below we can look into the NATO phonetic alphabet in all of its glory. Which will show the alphabet and each letter’s codeword, with the correct pronunciation of that codeword in brackets.

    • Alpha (AL-FAH),
    • Bravo (BRAH-VOH),
    • Charlie (CHAR-LEE),
    • Delta (DELL-TAH),
    • Echo (ECK-OH),
    • Foxtrot (FOKS-TROT),
    • Golf (GOLF),
    • Hotel (HO-TELL),
    • India (IN-DEE-AH),
    • Juliet (JEW-LEE-ET),
    • Kilo (KEY-LOH),
    • Lima (LEE-MAH),
    • Mike (MIKE),
    • November (NO-VEM-BER),
    • Oscar (OSS-CAR),
    • Papa (PAH-PAH),
    • Quebec (KEW-BECK),
    • Romeo (ROW-ME-OH),
    • Sierra (SEE-AIR-AH),
    • Tango (TANG-GO),
    • Uniform (YOU-NEE-FORM),
    • Victor (VIC-TAH),
    • Whiskey (WISS-KEY),
    • X-Ray (ECKS-RAY),
    • Yankee (YANG-KEY),
    • Zulu (ZOO-LOO)

Additional Tips

Here are some tips when learning the NATO phonetic alphabet. A few things one should remember when using the phonetic alphabet to ensure you use it effectively. There isn’t an easy way to tell whether the person you are communicating with will automatically know the phonetic alphabet. Especially by heart. One way to assist the person you are speaking with when spelling out something specific instead to use the straight phonetic alphabet of ‘Charlie, Oscar, Mike, Papa, Uniform, Tango, Echo, Romeo.’ Instead, you could use the following method of speech, “C for Charlie, O for Oscar, M for Mike, P for Papa, U for Uniform, T for Tango, E for Echo and R for Romeo.” 

This will help the person you are communicating with understanding the pattern that you are using. In most cases, a person might benefit from saying the full term referenced. This could help in a situation where the person you are communicating with will be able to understand what you are trying to spell when you are halfway through the term you are trying to use.

Let’s wrap it up

The phonetic alphabet in which each letter indicates a codeword that starts with that letter. For instance, ‘B’ is for “Bravo”. There is also a phonetic alphabet for the Northern Atlanta. Primarily, it is used to omit misunderstandings and miscommunication. Allowing a technician or client to spell out the exact terms intelligible in various problematic situations. This can be in a case where there is a lot of background noise or from someone who has an accent that you may find difficult to understand.

The NATO phonetic alphabet is also the most commonly used worldwide, with the established order and standardised system recognised globally, with codewords that were explicitly selected for intelligibility. However, a person generally prefers to use the codewords straight from the NATO alphabet. Still, improvised codewords can be used based on the same letter in the alphabet if the person cannot remember the original NATO codeword. 

Effective communication is vital when communicating with people in the world of technology, especially over the phone. When you are next on a call and need to share important information that cannot be miscommunicated, try using the phonetic alphabet to give out the information and see how effective your communication will come across to the person you are communicating with, whether it is your IT support, customer support or your bank. 

Until then, Golf, Oscar, Oscar, Delta Lima, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo.


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