How to speak Geek: Part 1 of 4

by | Nov 9, 2021 | Business, Tutorials | 0 comments



Video Transcript

In this video series, we seek to help you gain a better understanding of some of the terminology used by us geeks. We have learned that by avoiding a breakdown in communication we can avoid unnecessary discomfort during the development process.

We use words like “sprints, digital assets, wireframes, story points, backlog, and many others” every day… so it’s only fair that we teach our clients and potential clients what on earth we are actually talking about.

A non-disclosure agreement is a common document in the world of development and this is due to the nature of people wanting to protect their ideas, business concepts… what they believe to be “the next great thing.”

Gaining a deeper understanding of “who owns what” and understanding what’s actually being said will inevitably pave the way to healthy relationships between geeks and humans.